La Marqueta Time Machine

AR Site: La Marqueta | 1607 Park Ave.

By Alejandro Epifanio


La Marqueta Time Machine AR project, located inside El Barrio’s La Marqueta, was originally developed by Maria de Mater O'Neill and Alejandro Epifanio for the Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute's "Mi Querido Barrio" Augmented Reality Exhibition. The AR installation features a  fruit vendor cart, created by Epifanio, that showcases digital content from the original concept. The fruit vendor cart will act as the "time machine" to connect different food markets of Puerto Rico to La Marqueta in El Barrio, then and now. La Marqueta Time Machine will give viewers an interactive experience that will provide a perspective into how these multicultural food markets play an important role in creating and serving our community.

To learn more about the artists CLICK HERE.