Join us virtually as we adapt our very popular Integral Herbs and Plants In Afro Cuban Religion Lecture Series with Oriate Frank Bell. The new webinar will open with a recap of Session 1: The Use of Plants in Santeria/Osain for Healing and Cleansing, taking us right into Session 2: Working with plants and herbs in Palo. The entire series has been reformatted into a four-part webinar where participants will be introduced to the foundations of working with specific plants that are essential to the healing and cleansing rituals in sacred African Orisha and Palo traditions.
WHEN: Thursdays April 16, 23, 30 and May 7
7 PM to 8:30 PM
HOW TO CONNECT: Make sure you register at:
Go to ZOOM.US/JOIN, Join a Meeting using ID#: 935-0974-2606
Once you have registered you will receive an email with the zoom link to join the webinar. This will be the same link for all four classes.
Frank Bell has been a seasoned Oriate in the Cuban Lukumi tradition for over 26 years. He brings a wealth of comprehensive knowledge of the various song interpretations dedicated to the Orisha from the Afro-Cuban belief system. He is a traditional knowledge keeper through his mastery of the patakis and divination systems integral to the tradition. Mr. Bell is a Bata drummer and a performer of the dance traditions of the varied African based belief systems of Cuba. His expertise is well-known and respected throughout the Orisha community.
Virtual Session:
Recap the Use of Plants in Santeria/Osain for Healing and Cleansing
Working with plants and herbs in Palo
April 16, 23, 30 and May 7
7 PM to 8:30 PM