Hurricane Fiona: Supporting the People of Puerto Rico in the Aftermath

As we mark the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Maria today, we are seeing our brothers and sisters of the Diaspora in Puerto Rico once again share the difficult reality of what they're living through in the aftermath of Hurricane Fiona.

We know that historically, in times of need, our communities survive through the support and solidarity we provide to one another. We cannot rely on governments that have demonstrated time and time again that the well-being of our people is not a priority for them.

We urge our community to mobilize and to mobilize responsibly. The people of the island are articulating what they need. Stay informed about what organizations you lend your support to and focus on respected grassroots organizations that are addressing the real-time need for access to shelter,  water, medical supplies, and food.

Several organizations have activated a support network for communities throughout the island and have collaborated with the Maria Fund, originally formed five years ago, to create the Hurricane Fiona Community Response Fund as a means to facilitate international solidarity. The fund's goal is to address the immediate needs as well as the long-term power needed to move Puerto Rico forward into a better future. Those organizations are Taller Salud, Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico, HASER, Federation of Teachers of Puerto Rico, Revista Étnica, Agitarte, The Institute for Agroecology and Casa Tallaboeña.

Community, we ask that you be mindful and beware of private for-profit entities and pervasive fundraising efforts on behalf of parties interested in capitalizing on our people's disaster and struggle. 

CCCADI will continue to share information on how we intend to draw attention to the broader systemic problem and crushing injustice of colonialism that severely underserves the people of Puerto Rico, maintains failing infrastructure, and limits public access to necessary resources. We are also monitoring Hurricane Fiona’s impact on the neighboring island of the Dominican Republic and how we may lend support to affected communities there as well. 

Let’s show our strength, solidarity, and resilience as one Diaspora in these times of crisis. 

Here is a list of organizations providing immediate support to affected communities in Puerto Rico. Many organizations have listed items they’re willing to accept via donation as well as information for making monetary donations. We may continue to update this list as we connect with organizers on the ground:

CCCADI has organized a responsive panel discussion to the address how our community at large can support the Fiona recovery efforts as well as how we can collectively make larger strides in combating the systemic inequities that limit Caribbean nations from accessing resources and disaster preparedness.

Click here to learn more about this special September 23rd installment of our Critically Black Dialogue Series: Disaster is Political - Responding to Fiona.