AFRO-PICKS Featuring Through the Night

CCCADI will be in conversation with Bronx-based Afro-Dominican DJ, filmmaker, and film executive Loira Limbal to discuss her documentary Through the Night, which explores the personal cost of our modern economy through the stories of two working mothers and a child care provider - whose lives intersect at a 24-hour daycare center. The documentary officially airs in May, so join us on Friday, February 5 at 7PM to get an advanced glimpse into this powerful and thought-provoking film.


Loira Limbal (Director/Producer) is an Afro-Dominican filmmaker and DJ interested in the creation of art that is nuanced and revelatory for communities of color. She is the Senior Vice President of Programs at Firelight Media. Firelight is committed to making films about pivotal movements and moments in the U.S. Firelight's flagship program - the Documentary Lab - is a fellowship that provides mentorship, funding, and industry access to emerging filmmakers of color. Limbal’s current film, THROUGH THE NIGHT is a feature documentary about a 24 hour daycare center. THROUGH THE NIGHT was part of the 2019 Sundance Edit & Story Lab and was selected for world premiere at the 2020 Tribeca Film Festival. Her first film, ESTILO HIP HOP, was a co-production of ITVS and aired on PBS in 2009. Additionally, she co-produces and helms the popular Brooklyn monthly 

#APartyCalledRosiePerez. Limbal received a B.A. in History from Brown University and is a graduate of the Third World Newsreel's Film and Video Production Training Program. She is a Sundance Institute Fellow and a former Ford Foundation Justfilms/Rockwood Fellow. She lives in the Bronx with her two children.