CCCADI Executive Director Appointed to the Transition Team of New York City’s Mayor-Elect Eric Adams

New York, NY

Melody Capote joins the Arts, Parks and Culture Committee of the transition team for Eric Adams alongside Dennis Walcott, president and CEO of the Queens Public Library; political activist Devorah Halberstam, who chairs the NYPD’s civilian hate crime review panel; venture capitalist Lisa Blau; Mariko Silver, president and CEO of the Henry Luce Foundation; committee leaders Luis Miranda, a political strategist and co-founder of the MirRam Group, and Marcia Sells, who is chief diversity officer at the Metropolitan Opera, among others.

“I was pleased to be named to the new Mayor's Transition Team on Arts & Culture because it signified the Mayor's commitment to cultural equity and racial and social justice. These issues go to the heart of who we at CCCADI are, and I will continue to be a vigorous advocate in this area,” said Melody Capote, Executive Director of CCCADI.

“This unprecedented collection of great minds and hard-working New Yorkers will prepare my administration for success because they represent the many backgrounds and views of our great city, and they are committed to working together toward its bright future,” Adams said in a statement. “Each committee has been tasked with a specific set of goals and responsibilities to ensure we are ready to lead on Day 1. If we are going to tackle the many challenges in front of us as a city, the advocacy, nonprofit and business worlds must all be at the same table, working in collaboration--and that is exactly what this transition is doing. And the transition of this city to a safer, healthier, more prosperous New York will continue after January 1st—so I hope to continue to lean on this group of experts and advocates after I have taken office.”

Capote along with colleagues from the arts and culture field, kicked into action immediately and have met the challenge of providing Mayor-elect Adams and his administration with a plan for greater equity, access and accessibility that reflects and represents all of the citizens of the city. 

Learn more about the transition team.