These are funds that have a specific racial equity lens and prioritize artist of color

National Funds:
Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund from the Arts Administrators of Color Network, offering $200 for Black, Indigenous, POC artists or arts administrators whose income has been directly impacted by COVID-19.

Artist Relief Fund: from a coalition of national arts grantmakers, offering $5,000 grants to artists facing dire financial emergencies due to COVID-19. This fund does not have a specific racial justice lens, but we’re including it here because it’s one of the largest emergency grants available for artists facing dire financial distress and we want to make sure you know about it.

COVID-19 Information, Mutual Aid, & Additional Resources
Healthcare Access for Undocumented Folks in the Time of COVID19 gives information about seeking medical help while undocumented, and provides a stateby-state list of free and low-cost clinics where undocumented people are welcome.

COVID-19 Mutual Aid & Advocacy Resources includes links to existing mutual aid projects by location and a Mutual Aid Starter Pack to help you to start your own mutual aid project.

A Daily Report on how COVID-19 is Impacting the Art World is exactly what it claims - short, daily updates reporting on the pandemic’s effect on the art world.
Note: outdated and inactive, but possibly good reference information

Toolkits for Designing an Artistic Response

Art Became the Oxygen: An Artistic Response Guide from the USDAC provides guidance and resources for artists in a time of natural or civil disasters. It offers principles for arts and emergency management, models and approaches for artistic response, and more.

Cultural Strategy: An Introduction & Primer from Power California provides a framework for understanding and practicing cultural strategy. It looks at what cultural strategy is (and is not), characteristics of cultural strategy, and measuring cultural impact.

Action Strategy Guide: from the Ruckus Society is a classic how-to guide for designing and preparing for direct actions. Though direct actions while sheltering in place may look different than the flash mobs and mass protests of pre-pandemic times, the strategy tools are timeless. Ruckus also has a great Creative Direct Action Visuals manual for folks looking for tips on making banners, stencils, puppets or protest t-shirts

Art/Content You Can Use

Into Action Lab, a project of TaskForce, is producing shareable, unbranded, and free creative content around COVID-19, civic engagement, and social justice issues for anyone to use. The content is geared for social media and dozens of new pieces are uploaded each day. If you sign up for their newsletter, they’ll send new content each week straight to your inbox. If you’re looking for voter mobilization content specifically, check out their #GoVote series.

Content library:

Newsletter link:

GoVote link:

*Amplifier’s “In Pursuit Of __” Open Call for Art Contest put together a ‘masterclass’ style 30-minute video and lesson plan teaching youth how to make visual artworks documenting current life pursuits. The contest is accepting artwork submissions from youth aged 13 -19. They also have a collection of free downloadable posters about numerous social justice issues that are available for use.

JustSeeds’ Free Downloadable Graphics Section is a collection of downloadable art posters related to COVID-19, healthcare, worker rights, rent strikes and solidarity/mutual aid.

Power to the Poster is a collection of social justice posters that can be downloaded or shared on social media. They have several beautiful posters related to the pandemic and also accept poster submissions for artists who want to contribute.

Resources for Artists

“how do we widen the space within us for the grief and wonder? fear and vision? the surrender, and the creativity, the relief, the humor, the possibility?”46 - adrienne maree brown

“46 brown. On Rushing Toward Apocolypse, 2020.”

The pandemic has hit artists across the country hard and will have long-lasting impacts in how we create, share, and disseminate our creations. It can be challenging to think about what art our society needs when you’re trying to figure out how to care for sick family members, pay for food, homeschool children, and make rent. Here are some of our favorite resource lists for financial, medical, and mental health assistance for artists, as well as mutual aid resources and sources for helpful COVID-19 information.

Collections of resources for artists (financial, health, legal, etc):
Coronavirus 2020 Artist Relief Funds is a spreadsheet of many of the artist relief funds mentioned in these other aggregated lists, but which includes data on whether the fund is still active, size of the grant, eligibility requirements, application difficulty, etc.

COVID-19 Resources for the Artist Organization Field is an open, crowdsourced list for artists and arts organizations. Extremely extensive, this collection ranges from relief funds to emergency response guidance to health signage to online lesson plans to crisis communications advice.

COVID-19 Resources for Artists & Arts Organizations, compiled by the NEA, is a collection of COVID-19 news and resources put out by various arts organizations and associations.